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Activities that help a child thrive at KIS

Because education is so important for children, international school Thailand employs the highest quality teachers to train children to be the citizens of the future global village. The teachers work hard to give the children the best of the best education and they also realise that children also need plenty of creative and physical activities to keep them happy and balanced. For that reason a school like KIS International School offers plenty of exciting extra-curricular activities to get involved in. Primary school children receive after-school supervision and they have their homework clubs once every week. The secondary school students have their study hall with easy access to teachers for any extra help needed.

The school also has regular guest speakers so children get outside world perspective on their studies. The speakers will address any particular age group or any specific subject or address the whole school. These can include authors, experts on subjects, inspirational speakers and much more.

Activities that promote happiness and contentment

There is also a drama club for the secondary school students and for the primary school children. They are able to get involved with their holiday concerts, putting on fabulous concerts such as Grease or Alice in Wonderland, etc.

Each and every year, KIS International School proudly hosts their summer camps which are a time of sheer fun, excitement and enjoyment. External students of KIS can also participate. At the summer camps, programmes are especially designed so that children’s creativity are stimulated, having healthy and outdoor activities to participate in such as field trips, swimming, basketball and a whole  heap of fun activities.

Being a long established member of the Thailand International Schools Activities Conference (TISAC), alongside 14 other international schools, KIS participates in a range of activities which are on offer by the organization. TISAC’s purpose is to offer well-rounded programmes of cultural activities as well as sports for the participating schools in order to achieve recognized educational objectives. But they also provide fun and enjoyable activities for everyone. Events from TISAC are available for children from the kindergarten years.

There is just so much more, you need to visit the  , you don’t want to miss the fun!